This specific initiative is an amazing!

I think it deserves more awareness and profile with the general North American population than it has received.
And you have to love the initiative's name - a nod to the infamous Avro Arrow. If you are not aware of the Avro's famous world-leading aviation accomplishments, then Google it. It is sadly the story of a recent Canada, not the values, and innovations that started this country. We've become complacent. And we have to change. Feel free to weigh in.
I tripped over this after finishing a global brand strategy project for a player in the space.
But let's face it, Canada now is happy with a 7 or 8 out of 10. But I think this is unacceptable.
For example, we have all the elements in this country to more responsibly and environmentally mine these required minerals that other countries. Check out the Mining Association of Canada's site:
We have higher standards. And we can compete on any stage, at a top tier, but we succumb to our humble, consensus value set. We have to stop! We used to have an economy of which 70% was manufacturing and 30% was services. Note the lack of vaccines produced here, regardless of how you feel about vaccines. Now, our economy is the opposite. How many Tim Hortons do we need?
We have great science and innovation here, but my hypothesis is we still have an inferiority complex.
To be transparent, as usual, my agency had nothing to do with this initiative. But when we do these projects we start with clear alignment to the client problem (often requires the 5-Whys), alignment to our recommended process, which is catered to the client and the task at hand, a pre-read, and a facilitated Brand Purpose Lab.
We spend a large amount of time discussing the macro-environment of trends. It was never intentional to take up time, but when confronted with these external factors, we find clients find this areas hugely valuable.

This leads to strategic implications and a focused future-state ready brand strategy, including an evolved Brand Purpose, sometimes a recommended new Brand Architecture, Brand Archetype, brand narrative, brand language and imagery and other elements so internally people can understand the "burning platform", embrace the need for change, and understand how it affects their operational area and develop their own strategies to bring this new brand strategy to life from their perspective - they implement it.
Let's not let our country become complacent. We can hit 10/10 across all of our sectors and grow more industries.
Let's not let it meet the fate of the Avro. Canadian innovation! Bravo!
@ElectricAutonmy #Business transformation #transformation #CEOs #Branding